1. I feel my paper could have been longer, to a certain extent. 6. Find stronger quotes relating to my topic
2. My sentence lay out 7. I need to focus on my pie structure
3. Grammar 8. My voice
4. My concluding paragraph 9. My order/ layout of my paper
5. Introduction 10. tThesis statement
Please write any 15 thoughts about the book Slaughterhouse-5. For each thought, please refer to a specific part of the book that generated this thought (for instance, “It was funny” receives no credit; “It was funny when he described the Tralfamadorians” receives full credit).
1. "so it goes" represents life going on after death, which is a unique trate given to Billy form the Tralfamadores.
2. I thought i was like a movie hen Montana Wildhack was naked really brought the sex porsion of the book alive.
3. Similar to some stories where Billy living in two seperate lives.
4. I thought i was different when the tralfamadores put Billy and Wildhack in a zoo on their planet, as an amusement.
5. I thought Billys life was feelingless the way he told the story of his life.
6. I thought it was funny when he describes his wife as being funny.
7. It was funny when Billy would describe a person with bad or descriptive words.
8. I thought it was funny when the book store with Kilagore Trouts books in it, was acctually a porn book store.
9. I thought Billy had a rough life with the plane crash and everyone thinking hes crazy.
10. In the book when billy dies in chapter 6, i thought was interesting because usually the main character doesn't die half way through the story.
11. I like how they interpreted the afterlife of billy in the book.
12. I thought it was confusing when they used several flash backs.
13. I thought it was unusual when they didn't describe billy's parents as much.
14. I didn't like Billy's personality in the book either, it made the book some what boring at times.
15. The authors form of writing was so different, which i think made it interesting.
State 5 possible themes for the book Slaughterhouse-5.
1. Life goes on
2. 4th demension
3. Afterlife
4. Time travel
5. flashbacks
Write a conversation between yourself and Billy Pilgrim in which he tries to teach you a lesson based on his own experiences. You must explain IN DEPTH at least 3 specific events and details from the book in order to receive full credit. This conversation should go on as long as it takes to demonstrate YOUR UNDERSTANDING of Billy’s experiences.
Luke: hello billy....
Billy: hi Luke i just got back from Tralfamadore.
Luke: Tralfamadore???
Billy: Yea its a planet far, far away form earth, and when i am there for years its only about a second on earth.
Luke: Are u under the use of any drugs or alcohol Billy?
Billy: NO seriously, the planet has living things called Tralfamadorians which are amused by us earthlings.
Luke: That plane crash must have really thrown you over board!
Billy: I live in a zoo their, with famous actress Montana Wild-hack, and we had sex and a child.
Luke: You lucky dog!! she's a babe! NO but seriously get your head out of the GUTTER!
Billy: I have to go, reading another one of Kilogore Trouts books.
Luke: Oh yea ..... quite the author......... good luck with that......hope you can still read after that crash..... get better
Billy: I fine.....
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